I Spy Future Leaders!

Ron and I are uber blessed to be ministering to a SECOND generation of kiddos.  (I guess God doesn't put limits on serving Him!)

Over the years we have seen the importance of praise music for kids, the importance of leadership in kids' lives, the importance of inspiring the next generation to carry the torch of faith in Jesus.  I pray to be an influence on kids' lives to have passion for the Scriptures, discipleship, and faith in Christ. And I also pray I might inspire some out there to continue leading children in praise and worship to the King of all Kings, and maybe even to create new praise music especially for children. 

Not that we see ourselves "retiring" (what is that?) any time soon or ever!  But time sure flies (where did those 25 years of ministry go???), and I am sensing the need more urgently to be passing the proverbial baton along to future leaders. I'm always on the lookout for people with a particular passion for leading kids in worship.  When I see them, I can't encourage them enough.

And I DO see them..in the kids in my local "LIVE" gang who help me at concerts. I see them in the tweens and teens at my church who lead worship with the confidence and gifting of adults (in the sky blue Newsong shirts in the gallery of photos). I see worship leadership in little Jedediah (in the pink clothes in the gallery above) in the Philippines whose mom said she can't stop singing and effortlessly shares and leads praise songs with her school friends (mostly not Christian).  I see it in the teams who have helped me lead at concerts all over the USA, Singapore (yay, "Arise" team), Malaysia (Glad Tidings), Korea (Lifespring and Jubilee), Africa (Bulawayo Baptist), and others.  I've met scores of kiddos and young leaders I hope and believe will far surpass me and others in my generation in leading children to praise our Lord and Savior.  I pray to be faithful to this end everywhere God gives us these opportunities.  And my heart just overflows every time I receive a note, a photo, a message that God has used me even a skosh like this to inspire those who will lead the next generation.  So I will press on, and keep my eye out.  

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