"Through the praise of children and infants
you have established a stronghold against your enemies,
to silence the foe and the avenger." Psalm 8:2

"Jump, jump, jump into the light, light, light!
Run, run, run away from what's not right
Jump, jump, jump out of the dark, dark, dark
Run to Jesus and give Him your heart!"
Oh, to hear and see kids belting out this song--it does the soul good, and according to Psalm 8:2, it silences the foes of the Lord. That is powerful stuff, and its one of the reasons Ron and Jana Alayra do what they do--write and produce songs that help kids and families do just that....praise the Lord Jesus.
"Jump into the Light" is one of the many Jana Alayra songs sung and enjoyed by children around the globe. "Jump Jump Jump" (as many children call it) might be one of the first "Jana" songs children learn, but there are 5 children's CDs (including one in Spanish) and 7 DVDs of showing the motions, so there are dozens of songs floating around there by Ron and Jana Alayra that have made their way into the hearts and voices of countless children (and adults!).
God has given Ron and Jana a knack for creating catchy, biblical songs of praise for kids. Ron produces these with such excellence that adults enjoy them as much as the kids! Whether on stage live or on DVD, Jana makes an immediate connection with kids, which grabs their attention, draws them in, gets them involved, and brings the songs to life for them. Concerts with Jana (solo or with her band) are uplifting, joyful times of praise and worship for the whole family. Children from toddlers to tweenagers sing, dance, jump, shout, and participate on stage, while parents delight in watching them (maybe even sing along or shed a joyful tear). And always after the concert, Jana stays to meet every single child who would like to, which can often take hours!