Live in Concert Video

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We have heard soooo many stories of how this video has been used by God! It was a miracle in the making ('never could have done it without the help of Saddleback Church, with whom we have a deep friendship). Where this video has gone is just proof it was a "God-thing". Little kids all over the world have jumped in their homes to Jesus, parents have cried watching them, teachers have received new songs and life for their ministries, kids from completely unchurched families have wound up with copies and praised God loudly in their own living rooms.

One interesting fact about recording the video at Saddleback--I was on my way to sing on that very stage two years prior when I got in the car accident that ended Lynnie's life here on earth. Even now, it amazes me to see God's hand...he has turned that tragedy into so many victories for eternity. This video is one little one.

Our good friend Ken Robertson directed the video, using some of Saddleback's equipment and some rented. His level of professionalism, along with Ron's terrific work with the sound have gotten tremendous reviews. All the kids you see were just there having a great time--most of them were not even that aware of the cameras (except maybe when the guys crawled right up under their noses with those huge lenses pointed at them). God's hand guided the entire process. We can only pray the next one goes as effortlessly as this first one did.

By the way, I still have the yellow overalls--but they're in bad shape.