The Band
The Jana Alayra Band is comprised of some amazing musicians. Watching them sing and play at concerts is inspiring--especially knowing that they all have young children of their own, love the Lord, and love to serve Him with their gifts. In two words, THEY ROCK!!

Tim Neihuis and Jonathan Ahrens--Fishfest

Ron Alayra and Curtis Herron--Fishfest

Grabbing some grub after a concert!
Click HERE to see a typical moment in rehearsal at our house....Ron goofing off on his little drum kit! Good times.
Click HERE to see a little warehouse rehearsal moment:
Click HERE to see a quick moment before going on stage at Mariners VBS 2010. Yep, the band has on wigs. I can't exactly recall why.

Steve Araujo on bass for this event (CPC convention in San Diego).

Tim and son Jake. What a godly role model to that little boy.

Michelle and Braeden Ahrens....watching husband/dad get ready for a concert.

They shred.

Curtis is the die-hard band member--been with us since Jump into the Light (1996). What a voice, too.
We are all KID people. Here Jonathan has a moment with son Braeden (with his doggie!) during set-up. How cute is this!