No Place Like Home

I actually started writing the songs for this album 6 years before its release-beginning with "Never Before," (written in 1996).  The final song for the CD was "Every Minute that I Breathe (Lynnie's Song)" (written July 2001).  Somewhere in between came the song "Deeper Still," inspired by a quote from my hero, Corrie ten Boom.  This song kind of gave "feet" to this CD.  After sharing this song live and getting it down even partially in the studio, I knew the CD was going to happen, because I could see and "feel" the point of it all.  We have hope in matter what!

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Creating this CD was the most exciting, and the most challenging of all our recordings.  There was very little quiet time to work and write.  With little children I found some of the only time I had was in the wee hours, after a pot of coffee. The classic problems that always arise with any recording all challenged the process--a hoarse voice on recording night, a sick musician, malfunctioning equipment, sick kids. At times, I wondered if this CD would ever come together.

But bit by bit, I hacked away at my guitar parts. The REAL musicians came--pouring out their talent and creativity, with Ron guiding, refining, and directing at the helm of that big blinking mixing console. Songs began to take shape, and I so enjoyed singing them...even when I was dead tired. Singing the backround vocals with friends like Pete Shambrook, and the incredible Cathy Schreiner,  provided for some of our favorite late-night laughs and, "oh, my gosh, that is awesome!" moments. We work with such incredible people.

One of the most difficult parts of making the CD was waiting for Lynnie's song to come to me. I never tried so hard to write anything...after years of throwing away attempts on pieces of paper, napkins, paper towels and bits of data on recording devices, it finally came to me in the middle of the night one night.  So, one of the truest comments I can make about this entire experience, is that without the Lord's intervention...there would be no CD at all. Its a good place to be--depending on Him. But in so doing, He works on us, and He has taught me much through the creation of "No Place Like Home."