
Kids Ministry Testimonials

What people are saying...

"What an amazing evening! Jana, Ron and the band are not only amazing musicians, but truly wonderful people.We continue to get positive feedback from families that attended and have not heard any disappointments. They want to know when we are going to do it again!!!

Fortunately, the blessings of this activity will continue long after Jana packed up, because of all the DVD's and CD's families now have in their homes and cars. I love that! Her ministry continues! And then of course, every weekend service we sing along with Jana in our Kindergarten and 1st grade classes.

Please pass on our deepest thanks and appreciation to Jana and Ron. I have so much respect for who they are and what they do.

Julie Garrett
Children's Pastor/ K-5th
Coast Kids Director

"I heard about you from my 2 yr. old grandson who thinks you are fantastic, so I ordered him a full set of your DVDs. He knows most all the songs & motions. Now I have ordered another set of your DVD's to have for a program we have started at our church called Kid's Church. We have only met for 3 Wednesday nights, and tonight, I realized who they needed to hear from. You!!! And the Lord working greatness through you….for His children! Thank you Jana, for allowing Him to use you." - Donna Rader

Jana is amazing! She has been such a big impact in my life on my journey of finding God. Now, my girls also reap the rewards of her amazing gifts and generosity.

Irvine, CA

We attended your concert last night 8/21 and were beyond blessed. You are so instrumental in so many lives. This was the first contact for my nieces to your music. They loved it and were singing today….You are so patient and gracious to these kids. Truly, Jesus in you draws these kids to you as if they are running to Jesus Himself. (without that sounding weird).We were last in line and you loved on these kids like they were first in line. You are so loved.

Lake Forest, CA

"Our children have been inspired by Jana's music here in our church as well as around the world through our outreach programs."

Max Lucado

I just want to say thank you. My son Noah, who is autistic, made some of his first external connections through your music, concerts, dvds... he's 12 years old now, and still pulls out the first dvd for a sing/dance/move along. Blessings to all involved.

Jason Daniel

We are a military family living in AR and just happened to hear about your concert Sat morning, the day of your concert. Since my husband is currently deployed and this is the last month of his deployment (4+ months), I thought it would be fun to try something different for my 5 and 3 year old. My children were overwhelmed with it all, the size of the church (ours is much smaller), the fun loud band, and the concert feel. But what really ministered to all three of us was the song Dig Deep Down Deep. We were listening to the songs in the cafe while eating snacks and really felt like that particular song was meant just for us in this season of life. Deployments, though long and hard, are the most difficult toward the last several weeks. This deployment has given me the opportunity to grow closer to my children and especially to my son (who follows his dad everywhere). This song really gives me the inspiration to dig a little deeper to make the last weeks great, not become frustrated, and to "end this season" well. We definitely got the CD and my kids love to sing it over and over. Thank you for this godly inspiration to keep me going! I know I will probably have many more opportunities to keep digging down deep! My children, husband and the Lord are well worth the effort and great is the reward for serving our families as God has called us to do! He Loves Me!!

Lisa Grussendorf


We attended a Christmas event (for both moms and kids). My daughter rocked out to your concert and now sings your songs everywhere (apparently she is not alone). I have to tell you, Jana, …your testimonial and your presentation was like a prayer answered.

Your words gave me hope! I simply "got it" when you spoke of Jesus and how he reaches out and touches us in our daily life. That was the first time it all made sense to me. Thank you for

Maureen, Menlo Park, CA

"Jana...your gift of music around the world has gotten me through three cancers and three children in diapers...I thank you for your ministry..."



from Jordan, Age 5 (a "note" to Jana via e-mail)

Our director bought your CD's for our classrooms and our children love to dance and sing and dance to your wonderfully uplifting songs. Keep on keeping on!

Tina, Palo Alto, CA

"We LOVED your concert in Irvine last night! It was our three-year-old's first concert. I especially loved the time Jana spent with each child who waited for her after the concert. WOW! We happily waited over an hour for my daughter's hug and picture... and would do it again. It meant so much.


We just returned from a week of doing VBS at a small Native American community. We used your songs and the kids just loved them. They were very reserved in the beginning but by the end of the week they were dancing and doing all the hand motions with excitement! Many parents told us the children were singing the songs over and over at home. Even the adults from our team loved the songs! They are easy to learn and so full of Biblical truth. Thank you!

Shirley, Bellevue, WA

I praise God for the way He has used you, your family, and the band to reach so many with His message!

Lynda Roy

Walnut Grove, Missouri

I love your ministry and especially love seeing children praising the LORD! I was introduced to you and your music by my then 2 year old granddaughter and today Grammy and Papa are singing the song even when we don't have our grandchildren with us, that's pretty crazy; but the words and beat really get us singing praises to our Lord! Thank you for all you do and for letting God work through you, Ron and the band.

God Bless,

Orange, CA

Thank you so much for your wonderful music!

My mom brought the video of your first concert home and my two children were visiting her and they instantly fell in love with your music. (They) walk around the house singing "I'll join the thunder" and "I do believe!"

My son…just accepted Jesus into his heart! He told me that he believes just like Jana says in her songs!! Thank you again for your ministry and your love for children!

Caralee Bolton

dear jana,
iloveyouandihoptet you letmecometoyourhaos

lovejackson (age 4)

Hi Jana,
I wanted to send an encouraging word! I just got back from a 10 day mission trip in South Africa. I took your music and what a hit! Jump into the Light was the biggest hit ever! We sang in the schools, squatter camps and at a local church! The other two songs that they loved were He Is God and Mighty is Your Love. Thanks so much for all you do to provide us with great music for our children's ministry.

Houston, TX

"Thank you for making upbeat and RELEVANT music for children. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I always have your music close at church they know if they are ever in a bind, I will have my "Jana" music with me! Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart."

Appleton, WI

Thank you Jana. You are truly an inspiration. My 4y/o daughter Quinn loves to watch your Live in concert 2. She especially loves to dance and sing "Get down on my Knees". When she is done and down on her knees she asks God to help her with her Diabetes. Then raises up and says "I can do it now." …Thank you Jana for giving her words and actions to support her need for God and understanding of her Diabetes.

Polly, Camarillo, CA

Dear Jana,
My daughter and I, along with several friends were at your concert in Rancho Bernardo tonight. I felt lead to tell you what an inspiration you are to us as mothers….I came tonight hoping to have fun. I left with a deep hole filled. Thanks for refueling me tonight. God used you to touch me, and many others this evening….Thanks for following His lead and I hope to meet you again soon. Please tell the band thank you as well. The kids had fun giving them high fives after the show.

Rachel, Vista, CA

Thank you that we can daily celebrate and worship the Lord with you. You, your family and team will be in our prayers. May the Lord Bless us so that we can meet one another one day - maybe here on earth, otherwise in heaven.

Marlize, UK

"Your ministry is having such a profound impact in the lives of the kids, as well as leaders like myself. For me, this is a fantastic testimony about how great our God truly is. I love it! Thanks to the whole team over at Jana Alayra Music! Your message through music is wonderful!"

Ryan Garvin
Children's Ministry Saddleback Church

"As a parent, it brings me such joy to see my children worship the lord through your music. I have two boys ages 4 and 2 and a daughter that is 8 months. All of us enjoy listening to the pure message that your music offers. We saw your performance at our church (Cottonwood Christian Center) and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. It was one of those family memories that we will always hold dear to our hearts."

Elizabeth, Buena Park, CA

"I just wanted you to know that my wife and I attended one of your concerts at Crossroads church in Northglenn Colorado with our 2 year old daughter. We bought 2 DVDs and a CD. A few nights ago she was setting in bed while I read to her and she said out of the blue "Jesus reigns". She also told me that Jesus loves her. That same day I heard her walking around in our back yard and singing your songs out loud. I just wanted you to know the impact that you have had on my daughter, and I wanted to thank you for that."

God's Blessings,

Gary, Thornton, CO