Jump into the Light

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Years ago I was asked by the children's pastor at our church to write a theme song for their VBS. The theme had something to do with Olympics, so I wrote "I Will Fight This Fight". That was the first children's song I had ever written. Although I had performed for years with my friend Mary Rice Hopkins, I never wrote anything--just helped her sing all her great tunes. The response from the kids and the childrens' pastor was pretty overwhelming.

Several years later I was sitting with Ron in church listening to the pastor teach on Jesus being the Light of the World. As fast as I could, I jotted down the song that had popped into my head: "Jump, jump, jump into the light, light, light....run, run, run away from what's not right..." I can't remember where we first played that song, but it was such an instantaneous hit that it shocked us. Something was going on. I began to write other songs and perform them at little venues here and there. Soon there was enough for a CD, which we were strongly encouraged to make.

We collected our friends' kids, taught them the songs, then shoved them into a sweaty recording booth in the garage of our little townhome (it was August!), letting them out now & then for a splash in the sprinklers and a popsicle. They were such troopers. We coaxed Haley and Lynnie into singing our little original night-night song ("How Much Do I Love You?"), which remains a treasure to me as Lynnie's voice is prominent.

Once again, this was completely a work of the Lord. We have been stunned, thrilled, and delighted to see where these songs have gone. "Jump Into the Light" has wound up all over the country and even in some surprising parts around the world! I can't tell you how many times the band and I have sung that song...but honestly, we enjoy it every time and are amazed to be part of something much bigger than us. Jesus IS the Light of the World, and it is our delight to "Play, play, play for the One who came to save!"