Happy Birthday to Me!

Scroll down to find two gifts for you (in red)
Today is my birthday. I was supposed to babysit a friend's little sister who has special needs today, but awoke very early to a text saying that they would be staying home due to a cold...no small worry in these days of the coronavirus. Tho' I'll miss spending time with sweet Cassie, the gift to me in this change of schedule was a longer time pre-dawn time to myself...with Jesus, studying the treasure of the Word...with a lit candle and my coffee. A little more time to read, reflect, pray, sip, pray some more.


I've been on this earth almost 6 decades. I've learned a lot, but in many ways feel like I've just begun in my walk with Jesus. I'm looking forward to what's ahead. Even as times seem more confusing and troubled in the world, Jesus calms the waters of my soul. God is in control. He reminds me of a greater purpose that excites and challenges me more all the time. It's bigger, yet it's smaller. More of Him, less of me. More serving others, less striving for things of this world.

My bestie Jill gave me this kitchen towel for my birthday and I couldn't agree more: I need less "stuff." Fewer unnecessary things to clutter my attention away from what truly matters. But more of what matters...loving God, loving people. The closer I get to Him, the more I want to know Him and share His love and message of hope.
On my bathroom countertop this morning was a note from my daughter that I'll save forever, a "Happy Birthday Mom" sign hanging in the kitchen...and a CLEAN kitchen! The weather here in SoCal is beautiful again, great for walking the dog and listening to a podcast I love. I'm so stinking spoiled. Lord, may I please give back today--I have all I need in You, and so much more. I pray for the eyes to see and ears to hear that.
* "Jesus said to them, 'I am the bread of life;
he would comes to Me will not hunger,
and he who believes in me will never thirst.'"
(John 6:35)
My prayer for YOU on this day, is also for those eyes and ears to know the depths of the riches we have in Jesus. To be filled with the bread of life. To rest in His great love for you and purposes for your life. That would make me really happy.
AND if you feel led to give me a birthday gift, I have a really good idea:


I read an email from our friend Jason who was signed up for the Tokyo marathon that it was being cancelled. Bummer. I can't imagine how many people are deeply disappointed and the massive financial loss, let alone the tragedy of the illness itself. This coronavirus is humbling. But Jason, a seasoned runner for World Vision and one of our team captains, reminded us of something the other day:
"To date, Covid-19 has killed about 3500 people. Lack of clean water kills over 2000 people a day. In the time it takes to read this email, at least 1 child will die from lack of clean water. There's an easy cure for this, $50. As you know, that's all it takes to provide clean water for life to 1 person."
 ANY little amount help end this tragedy.
I would be over the moon if in honor of my birthday, some of you would choose to save a life or two or three, or give ANY little amount to my World Vision 1/2 marathon fundraising campaign. That would make me smile huge...and more importantly, save LIVES.
Please click HERE to see my page and donate!
**And as a little gift to you or some young person out there, I'm posting a song on Youtube that we haven't had up before. Hope you enjoy! It's called "Always." CLICK HERE to view?

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